In Scratch code

  • Explore the link between coding and probability.
  • Change the Scratch code to create your own versions.
  • See below for Scratch Version 3 - Probability.


Math overview


Version 3 - Probability  

Code - play with the Scratch code

  • Use the slider in the Output screen to change the value of Number Of Tosses
  • What is the difference in the shape of the graphs when the value of Number Of Tosses is small (say 5) compared to when it's larger (say 30)
  • Why are the three bars not approximately equal in height?


  • Why is the Heads/Tails (H/T) bar usually taller than the other two?
  • Shouldn't all three bars be approximately the same height?


See more Scratch versions

  • Version 1 - 1 coin is tossed - table output (no bar graph)
  • Version 2 - 2 coins are tossed - table output (no bar graph)