Celebrating our mathematical thinking

My Brain's Undone

Imagine my surprise
When I realized
There is a multitude of ways
To express this mathematically

Seeing the growth in front of me
I love learning visually
I need to buy a set
Of these blocks for me!

Perimeter is 4b+4
The area b squared
One line is the tortoise
And the other is the hare

I thought complicated math
Was only for math lovers
I hadn't thought of math
As a creative process

There goes the spring
My brain’s undone!
I'm still a bit awestruck

I love how the border
Starts with more blocks
Then the area grows faster
But always contained

I had this idea to find
The difference between numbers
I see the pattern.
I've checked with other groups

4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24,
The border goes up by 4
The growth is constant
In a linear fashion

0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25
The area increases by odd numbers
1,3,5,7 and 9
Are hiding in the square

There goes the spring
My brain’s undone!
I'm still a bit awestruck