Celebrating our mathematical thinking

Parallel lines

  • see an interview about parallel lines with mathematician Megumi Harada, of McMaster University

She stepped out of her tent, walked south then west
Saw a bear, got scared
Ran north to her tent,
What colour was the bear?

I was confused, totally stumped
Maybe it’s a large circus tent
With a performing bear inside

I kept reading it, over and over
Only to get more embarrassed
That this elementary riddle
Was confusing me

I can’t ever remember
Learning math like this in school
It’s made me think about math
Like never have before

I asked my family and co-workers everyone was stumped
I once heard, a teacher knows
That it was a good lesson, when it Makes it to the dinner table

I am slightly rattled, and shaken
I have a feeling, that once again
All that I know to be true
Is about to be altered

We almost always think
Of the world as flat
Even though we know
This to be false

When I heard the sphere idea
I grabbed a ball
And was taken by surprise
It never dawned on me
That with different surfaces
Everything changes

I can’t ever remember
Learning math like this in school
It’s made me think about math
Like never have before

My two year old son
Heard the grade 2 song
About parallel lines
He came to the computer
Bopping his head and clapping
Math suddenly does not feel
So scary for me anymore

I can’t ever remember
Learning math like this in school
It’s made me think about math
Like never have before

How I see parallel lines
Has changed
What if we lived
On a flat world?